Anglican Parish of South Dundas
St. James Anglican Church - Morrisburg
Holy Trinity - Riverside Heights

The Anglican Parish of South Dundas has a long history of "Serving the World God Loves". As Jesus taught that the love of our neighbour is just as important as our love of God and self, our parish is deeply committed to serving the vulnerable in our midst. While it is a foundational part of the Christian faith, it is also simply living out our desire to be "good neighbours".

Martha's Ministries

These ministries combines the lunch and fellowship of Martha's Kitchen with the opportunity to participate in some wellness groups (grief, anger management, depression/anxiety), and book some one on one time for free counseling services. The drop in is open on the first and third Thursday's of each month from 11:30am - 1pm.
In the early 1990s Martha's Kitchen began as a small group of single mothers who were looking to learn how to prepare healthy meals on a limited income. That small ministry has grown into a weekly gathering of as many as 40-60 people who are lonely, isolated, struggling, or simply looking for good food and fellowship. Martha's Kitchen is currently on hold until the kitchen becomes available.
Martha's Closet is a ministry partnership with Mark's that provides free clothing for those requiring it. It runs on the last Saturday of each month from 9:00M until 12pm.
Location: St. James

Madagascar School Project

The Parish of South Dundas is a proud supporter of this wonderful cause. For more information, click here.

Apple Tree Ministry
The Apple Tree Ministry also began in the early 1990s as an "umbrella" for all of the parish outreach. Currently it provides assistance for those who are struggling with food, clothing, transportation, or financial needs. From gas cards to "anonymous envelopes" this ministry makes sure that people in need can receive a helping hand.
It is also the "host" of the annual Christmas Dinner held at the Morrisburg Legion.

Tilted Steeple Coffee House
The Tilted Steeple is a new "community partnership" ministry. St. James has happily agreed to work with the folks from The Front Door House Concerts as, together, we put on a monthly evening of music, food, and the chance to gather with the wider community. Almost all proceeds go towards supporting the Community Foodshare.

The Parish of South Dundas has entered into a pilot project with the House of Lazarus to create a Community Hub and Warming Center. This project will help to provide needed services to those in the South Dundas area who require assistance.