Anglican Parish of South Dundas
St. James Anglican Church - Morrisburg
Holy Trinity - Riverside Heights

Christian Education
Part of our baptismal promise, as people of faith, is that we will study the Scriptures, and other elements of our faith so that we may discern what God is trying to say to us on a personal, and community level. As Anglicans, we believe that God gave us the ability to think, and that our brains should not be "checked at the door" when it comes to exploring faith.
For more information on any of our upcoming education programs, please contact our parish office.
Tuesday Morning Gospel Study
Studying the Scriptures
The Rev. Canon Pat Martin has started a Tuesday Morning Gospel study discussing the upcoming week's Gospel reading from the Lectionary. Tis is an informal group looking at and covering about what the meaning of the Gospel passage is for that week. All are welcome to join in. Contact Pat at revpjmartin@gmail.com for a Zoom invitation!
If there is something you would like us to consider, please contact our parish office.

Open Table Discussion
ON HOLD currently!
Have you ever had questions, or topics about your faith, religion, or spirituality that you didn't think you were allowed to talk about in "polite company"?
At our Open Table, no topic is off limits! On the last Tuesday of each month, come on by for a simple supper, and good conversation. So far our topics include: assisted dying, artificial intelligence, the place of atheism and agnosticism in the church, environmental refugees, and the list goes on and on.
Coffee is on at 6:30pm, dinner and discussion start at 7pm.

A Lenten Study series will be announced shortly. It will be an informal gathering of people, and most likely by Zoom as we continue to endure the pandemic.
If you are interested, please contact the Parish office or email: